
TraknProtect – Changing the Way Hotels Operate

McLaren and TraknProtect

TracknProtect is the only “internet of things” (IoT) infrastructure for back-of-the-house operations at hotels.  Through its proprietary app, TraknProtect hotel customers have access to real-time locations and data about their inventory, room service trays, and vendor activity on property, all on a single platform.  The TraknProtect app also offers safety buttons for staff that provide instant alerts and locations of employees in need of assistance.  TraknProtect is enabling hotels to enhance guest satisfaction, increase employee efficiency, and improve employee safety throughout their properties.  Hotels can also use TraknProtect data analytics to save significant capital costs by making smarter inventory purchasing decisions.

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Specifically, TraknProtect helps hotels to:

  • track inventory such as rollaway beds, cribs, fridges, and any movable asset at a hotel – to decrease the time it takes staff to delivery these items and increase guest satisfaction;
  • track personnel whether contractors on the property or specific hotel personnel for greater efficiency;
  • track room service trays so that the F&B groups can pick up dirty trays from hallways quickly; and
  • provides safety buttons to help promote staff safety at hotels


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